Every year new coaches join North York Baseball Association as we say good-bye to our senior coaches. 18UA coach Richard Cheung (center) and his coaching staff are retiring this year, looking forward to spending next summer at the cottage and not on a diamond! We asked Richard if he wanted to say a few words as a farewell. This is what he sent us! Cheers to you Coach Richard, and thank you for your contribution to North York Baseball. 

Where to begin?

It’s hard to believe that my coaching days at North York have come to an end.

Over the past decade, I’ve had the pleasure of coaching with many engaged parents, assisted by many competent parents who have acted as managers for the team and the privilege to coach so many great kids in many levels of baseball abilities. I’ve watched these players develop from novices trying baseball for the first time to seasoned veterans enjoying their last year of athletic fun with friends before venturing into the “adult” society and finding their place in their new but exciting environment.

It’s always amazed me that all these different personalities are able compete together over 4 months, break away from each other over the school year and pick up where they left off, 8 months later, as if they saw each other yesterday!

I would like to express my gratitude to the many coaches who have assisted me over the years. Without your support, knowledge, friendship and general good nature, I probably would not have coached for as long as I have. So, thank you to Don Bannan, Terry Davis, Riaz Rahaman, Randa Zahra, Ellie Choi, Nick Cheung, Brian Britt, David Fisch, Craig Gatten, Lester Meireles, Aggy Apostolopoulos, David Gibbs, David Brill, Ken Chan.

I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the parent group that have supported the teams over the years. I don’t know if I just got lucky or if NYBA fosters the type of parent that I’ve been introduced to, but I can honesty say that I’ve never been aggrieved by any of the parents and have felt nothing but support and offers to assist the team in any way possible. Clearly, the finer attributes exhibited by your kids are derived from your interaction with them.

Lastly, I would like to thank the staff at NYBA who work behind the scenes to make sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible. I would like to acknowledge the help I have received throughout my time at North York from Tracey Lawson (whom EVERYONE knows at Bond Park). She is truly one person who bleeds North York blue. She is the stabilizing force that deals with all issues, whether it is directly part of her responsibility portfolio or just because she has enough historical knowledge to assist with your issue.

Thank you, Tracey, for keeping me grounded all these years.

Heather Robertson is a person who I have dealt with extensively over the past few years. After many, many years, NYBA decided that they would benefit from having a marketing person onboard to promote NYBA and ensure community engagement, moving forward. Although I have not always agreed with NYBA decisions, this one has paid off handsomely. Heather has gone well beyond marketing duties; she has become the conduit between coaching staff needs and NYBA management.

Thank you, Heather, for keeping everyone organized and becoming the buffer between coaches and management in all aspects (financial, scheduling, PR) of the NYBA.

To the current 18UA team which consists of Parents and Players (Daniel C., Laila G., Drayden G., Kaloyan G., Gavin J., Rhys L., Zac L., Alex M., Daniel M., Oscar P., Andrew P., Joey R., Truman T.), Thank you for allowing me to coach you all these years. It has truly been an honour and rewarding experience to watch everyone grow and develop into the young adults that you have become.

Based upon what I have witnessed, I have no doubt that you will be successful in your chosen future endeavours. Best of luck to everyone and hope to see you at future events.

Your baseball coach for the last time, Richard

North York Baseball Association provides House League and Elite/Rep/Select levels of play for boys and girls 6-18 and a Junior team. Games are played at Bond Park in North York. NYBA also supports a robust umpire program – learn more here.

NYBA is celebrating 50 years of serving the community!

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